Orszag-Tang Vortex#

The Orszag-Tang Vortex is a 2d non-dimensional MHD manufactured test.

The domain is (x,y)=[0,2Ο€]2. The initial conditions of the velocity and the magnetic field are


where Ο†=2sin⁑(y)βˆ’2cos⁑(x) and A=cos⁑(2y)βˆ’2cos⁑(x). See Section 5.3 of [Michael Kraus and Omar Maj, Variational Integrators for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics, 2021, arXiv]

These initial conditions are implemented. To initialize an ideal Orszag-Tang Vortex, for example, do

>>> from math import inf
>>> ph.samples.InitialConditionOrszagTangVortex()  
<tests.samples.iniCond_Orszag_Tang_vortex.InitialConditionOrszagTangVortex object at ...

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