Source code for src.pde

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences

.. _PDE-initialization:


To initialize/construct a PDE instance, call the method ``ph.pde``,

    .. autofunction:: src.pde.pde

For instance, if we want to solve the 2-dimensional linear port Hamitolian problem, i.e.,

.. math::

            & \partial_t \tilde{\alpha} = \mathrm{d}\tilde{\beta} ,\\
            & \partial_t \tilde{\beta} = - \mathrm{d}^\ast\tilde{\alpha},

for the outer 2-form :math:`\tilde{\alpha}` and the outer 1-form :math:`\tilde{\beta}`
in the domain :math:`\mathcal{M}`,
we make the following expression,

>>> expression = [
...     'da_dt = + d_b',
...     'db_dt = - cd_a'
... ]

where we have string terms like ``'da_dt'``, ``'d_b'`` and so on connected by ``'+'``, ``'-'`` and ``'='``.
Since these terms are just strings, the code needs to know
what forms they are representing. Thus, we need an interpreter,

>>> interpreter = {
...     'da_dt': da_dt,
...     'd_b'  : d_b,
...     'db_dt': db_dt,
...     'cd_a' : cd_a
... }

which links the strings, i.e. the keys of ``interpreter``, to the forms, ``da_dt``, ``d_b`` and so on.
Note that because here strings that are same to the variable names are used,
this interpreter is a subset of the local variable dictionary
which can be returned by the built-in function ``locals``.
Therefore, alternatively we can use

>>> interpreter = locals()

Sending ``expression`` and ``interpreter`` to ``ph.pde`` initializes a PDE instance,

>>> pde = ph.pde(expression, interpreter)

which is an instance of :class:`PartialDifferentialEquations`,

    .. autoclass:: src.pde.PartialDifferentialEquations
        :members: pr, test_with, unknowns, bc, derive

We need to set the unknowns of the pde, which is done through setting the property ``unknowns``,
i.e. :attr:`PartialDifferentialEquations.unknowns`,

>>> pde.unknowns = [a, b]

To visualize the PDE instnace just constructed, call the *print representation* method, see

<Figure size ...

It gives a figure of the PDE in differential forms. We can visualize the vector calculus version
if we pass the requirement to ``pr`` through keyword argument ``vc=True`` like

<Figure size ...

This is very handy, for example, when your reference PDE is given in vector calculus, and you want to check if
you have input the correct differential form version of it, especially in 2-dimensions where the transformation
between vector calculus and differential form suffers from extra minus signs here and there.

.. _PDE-bc:

Boundary conditions

The boundary condition setting of a PDE can be accessed through property :attr:`PartialDifferentialEquations.bc`.
To define boundary conditions for a PDE, we first need to identify boundary sections. We can define boundary
sections by calling the ``partition`` method, for example,

>>> pde.bc.partition(r"\Gamma_{\alpha}", r"\Gamma_{\beta}")

This command defines two boundary sections whose symbolic representations are ``'\Gamma_{\alpha}'`` and
Here they are in fact two 1-dimensional sub-manifolds (recall that in this case the computational domain is
a 2-dimensional manifold).
They are a partition of the boundary, i.e.,

.. math::

    \Gamma_{\alpha} \cup \Gamma_{\beta} = \partial \mathcal{M}\quad\text{and}\quad
    \Gamma_{\alpha} \cap \Gamma_{\beta} = \emptyset,

where :math:`\partial \mathcal{M}` is the complete boundary of the computational domain (``manifold``).
Change the amount (:math:`\geq 1`) of arguments for the ``partition`` method to define a partition of
different amount of boundary sections. Since the ``manifold`` itself is abstract, the boundary sections
are abstract as well; thus we can specify, for example,

.. math::

    \Gamma_{\alpha} = \partial \mathcal{M} \quad \text{and} \quad \Gamma_{\beta} = \emptyset,

when we invoke a particular implementation for the simulation in the future.

After we have defined boundary sections, we can specify boundary conditions on them by calling ``define_bc`` method
of :attr:`PartialDifferentialEquations.bc` property. For example,

>>> pde.bc.define_bc(
...    {
...        r"\Gamma_{\alpha}": ph.trace(ph.Hodge(a)),   # natural boundary condition
...        r"\Gamma_{\beta}": ph.trace(b),              # essential boundary condition
...    }
... )


- a natural boundary condition for the outer-oriented 2-form ``a`` on ``'\Gamma_{\alpha}'``,
- an essential boundary condition for the outer-oriented 1-form ``b`` on ``'\Gamma_{\beta}'``.

.. caution::

    So far, only two types, **essential** and **natural**, of boundary conditions are implemented.

Now, the ``pr`` method will also list the imposed boundary conditions,

<Figure size ...

.. _PDE-derivations:


We can make changes to (for example, delete, replace or split a term in) the initialized PDE through property
``pde.derive`` which gives an instance of :class:`PDEDerive`, a wrapper of all possible derivations
to a PDE instance.

    .. autoclass:: PDEDerive

from tools.frozen import Frozen
from src.config import _global_lin_repr_setting, _non_root_lin_sep
from src.form.main import Form, _global_root_forms_lin_dict
from src.config import _global_operator_lin_repr_setting
from src.config import _pde_test_form_lin_repr

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
    "text.usetex": True,
    "": "DejaVu Sans",
    "text.latex.preamble": r"\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}",

from import inner
from import WeakFormulation
from src.bc import BoundaryCondition

[docs] def pde(expression=None, interpreter=None, terms_and_signs_dict=None): """A wrapper of the ``__init__`` method of :class:`PartialDifferentialEquations`. To make a PDE instance, you can either input - ``expression`` and ``interpreter`` or input - ``terms_and_signs_dict`` If you input ``expression`` and ``interpreter`` (recommended), the class will call a private method to parse ``expression`` according to ``interpreter`` and generates dictionaries of terms and signs. Parameters ---------- expression : List[str] The list of strings that represent a set of equations. interpreter : dict The dictionary of interpreters that explain the terms in the ``expression``. terms_and_signs_dict : dict The dictionary that represents the terms and signs of each equation directly (instead of through ``expression`` and ``interpreter``). Returns ------- pde : :class:`PartialDifferentialEquations` The output partial differential equations instance. """ pde = PartialDifferentialEquations( expression=expression, interpreter=interpreter, terms_and_signs_dict=terms_and_signs_dict ) return pde
[docs] class PartialDifferentialEquations(Frozen): """The Partial Differential Equations class.""" def __init__(self, expression=None, interpreter=None, terms_and_signs_dict=None): if terms_and_signs_dict is None: # provided terms and signs expression = self._check_expression(expression) interpreter = self._filter_interpreter(interpreter) self._parse_expression(expression, interpreter) else: assert expression is None and interpreter is None self._parse_terms_and_signs(terms_and_signs_dict) self._check_equations() self._unknowns = None self._meshes, self._mesh = WeakFormulation._parse_meshes(self._term_dict) self._bc = None self._derive = PDEDerive(self) self._freeze() @staticmethod def _check_expression(expression): """""" if isinstance(expression, str): assert len(expression) > 0, "cannot be empty expression." expression = [expression, ] else: assert isinstance(expression, (list, tuple)), f"pls put expression in a list or tuple." for i, exp in enumerate(expression): assert isinstance(exp, str), f"expression[{i}] = {exp} is not a string." assert len(exp) > 0, f"expression[{i}] is empty." for i, equation in enumerate(expression): assert equation.count('=') == 1, f"expression[{i}]={equation} is wrong, can only have one '='." return expression @staticmethod def _filter_interpreter(interpreter): """""" new_interpreter = dict() for var_name in interpreter: if interpreter[var_name].__class__ is Form: new_interpreter[var_name] = interpreter[var_name] else: pass return new_interpreter def _parse_expression(self, expression, interpreter): """Keep upgrading this method to let it understand more equations.""" indi_dict = dict() sign_dict = dict() term_dict = dict() ind_dict = dict() indexing = dict() for i, equation in enumerate(expression): equation = equation.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces equation = equation.replace('-', '+-') # let all terms be connected by + indi_dict[i] = ([], []) # for left terms and right terms of ith equation sign_dict[i] = ([], []) # for left terms and right terms of ith equation term_dict[i] = ([], []) # for left terms and right terms of ith equation ind_dict[i] = ([], []) # for left terms and right terms of ith equation k = 0 for j, lor in enumerate(equation.split('=')): local_terms = lor.split('+') for loc_term in local_terms: if loc_term == '' or loc_term == '-': # found empty terms, just ignore. pass else: if loc_term == '0': pass else: if loc_term[0] == '-': assert loc_term[1:] in interpreter, f"found term {loc_term[1:]} not interpreted." indi = loc_term[1:] sign = '-' term = interpreter[loc_term[1:]] else: assert loc_term in interpreter, f"found term {loc_term} not interpreted" indi = loc_term sign = '+' term = interpreter[loc_term] indi_dict[i][j].append(indi) sign_dict[i][j].append(sign) term_dict[i][j].append(term) if j == 0: index = str(i) + '-' + str(k) elif j == 1: index = str(i) + '-' + str(k) else: raise Exception() k += 1 indexing[index] = (indi, sign, term) ind_dict[i][j].append(index) self._indi_dict = indi_dict # a not very import attribute. Only for print representations. self._sign_dict = sign_dict self._term_dict = term_dict # can be form or (for example L2-inner-product- or duality-) terms self._ind_dict = ind_dict self._indexing = indexing efs = list() for i in self._term_dict: for terms in self._term_dict[i]: for term in terms: if term == 0: pass else: efs.extend(term.elementary_forms) self._efs = set(efs) def _parse_terms_and_signs(self, terms_and_signs_dict): """We get an equation from terms and signs.""" self._indi_dict = None # in this case, we will not have indi_dict; it is only used for print representations terms_dict, signs_dict = terms_and_signs_dict _ind_dict = dict() _indexing = dict() num_eq = len(terms_dict) for i in range(num_eq): assert i in terms_dict and i in signs_dict, f"numbering of equations must be 0, 1, 2, ..." terms = terms_dict[i] signs = signs_dict[i] _ind_dict[i] = ([], []) assert len(terms) == len(signs) == 2 and \ len(terms[1]) == len(signs[1]) and len(signs[0]) == len(terms[0]), \ f"Pls put terms and signs of {i}th equation in ([], []) and ([], []) of same length." k = 0 for j, lr_terms in enumerate(terms): lr_signs = signs[j] for m, term in enumerate(lr_terms): sign = lr_signs[m] index = str(i) + '-' + str(k) _ind_dict[i][j].append(index) _indexing[index] = ('', sign, term) # the first entry is the indicator, it is ''. k += 1 # ------ need to implement attributes below: self._sign_dict = signs_dict self._term_dict = terms_dict self._ind_dict = _ind_dict self._indexing = _indexing efs = list() for i in self._term_dict: for terms in self._term_dict[i]: for term in terms: if term == 0: pass else: efs.extend(term.elementary_forms) self._efs = set(efs) def _check_equations(self): """Do a self-check after parsing terms.""" for i in self._term_dict: left_terms, right_terms = self._term_dict[i] all_terms_of_equation_i = [] all_terms_of_equation_i.extend(left_terms) all_terms_of_equation_i.extend(right_terms) if all([_.__class__ is Form for _ in all_terms_of_equation_i]): term_i0 = all_terms_of_equation_i[0] for k, term_ij in enumerate(all_terms_of_equation_i[1:]): assert ==, \ f"spaces in equation #{i} do not match each other: {k+1}th term." elif all([ hasattr(_, '_is_able_to_be_a_weak_term') for _ in all_terms_of_equation_i # has it, it must return True ]): pass else: raise Exception() def _pr_vc(self, figsize=(8, 6), title=None): """We print the pde but change all exterior derivatives to corresponding vector calculus operators.""" from src.config import RANK, MASTER_RANK if RANK != MASTER_RANK: return else: pass from src.spaces.operators import _d_to_vc, _d_ast_to_vc from src.config import _global_operator_sym_repr_setting from src.config import _global_operator_lin_repr_setting from src.config import _non_root_lin_sep start, end = _non_root_lin_sep d_sym_repr = _global_operator_sym_repr_setting['d'] cd_sym_repr = _global_operator_sym_repr_setting['codifferential'] d_lin_repr = _global_operator_lin_repr_setting['d'] cd_lin_repr = _global_operator_lin_repr_setting['codifferential'] from src.form.others import _find_form number_equations = len(self._term_dict) symbolic = '' for i in self._term_dict: for t, forms in enumerate(self._term_dict[i]): if len(forms) == 0: symbolic += '0' else: for j, form in enumerate(forms): sign = self._sign_dict[i][t][j] form_sym_repr = form._sym_repr form_lin_repr = form._lin_repr do_it = False _ec_operator_type = '' if form_lin_repr.count(d_lin_repr) + form_lin_repr.count(cd_lin_repr) == 1: # we do the vc pr when only one d or cd presents. do_it = True if d_lin_repr in form_lin_repr: _ec_operator_type = 'd' form_lin_repr = form_lin_repr.split(d_lin_repr)[1] elif cd_lin_repr in form_lin_repr: _ec_operator_type = 'cd' form_lin_repr = form_lin_repr.split(cd_lin_repr)[1] else: raise Exception() elif form_lin_repr.count(cd_lin_repr) == 1: # we do the vc pr when only one cd presents (may have multiple d). do_it = True _ec_operator_type = 'cd' form_lin_repr = form_lin_repr.split(cd_lin_repr)[1] else: pass if do_it: while 1: if form_lin_repr[:len(start)] == start: form_lin_repr = form_lin_repr[len(start):] else: break while 1: if form_lin_repr[-len(end):] == end: form_lin_repr = form_lin_repr[:-len(end)] else: break form = _find_form(form_lin_repr) space = space_indicator = space.indicator m, n, k = space.m, space.n, space.k ori = space.orientation vc_operator_sym_dict = { 'derivative': r"\mathrm{d}", 'gradient': r"\nabla", 'curl': r"\nabla\times", 'rot': r"\nabla\times", 'divergence': r"\nabla\cdot", } if _ec_operator_type == 'd': vc_operator = _d_to_vc(space_indicator, m, n, k, ori) vc_sign = '+' vc_operator = vc_operator_sym_dict[vc_operator] form_sym_repr = form_sym_repr.replace(d_sym_repr, vc_operator + ' ') elif _ec_operator_type == 'cd': vc_sign, vc_operator = _d_ast_to_vc(space_indicator, m, n, k, ori) vc_operator = vc_operator_sym_dict[vc_operator] vc_operator = r"\widetilde{" + vc_operator + r"}" form_sym_repr = form_sym_repr.replace(cd_sym_repr, vc_operator) else: raise Exception() if vc_sign == '+': pass elif vc_sign == '-': if sign == '+': sign = '-' else: sign = '+' else: raise Exception() if j == 0: if sign == '+': symbolic += form_sym_repr elif sign == '-': symbolic += '-' + form_sym_repr else: raise Exception() else: symbolic += ' ' + sign + ' ' + form_sym_repr if t == 0: symbolic += ' &= ' if i < number_equations - 1: symbolic += r' \\ ' else: pass if len(self) > 1: symbolic = r"$\left\lbrace\begin{aligned}" + symbolic + r"\end{aligned}\right.$" else: symbolic = r"$\begin{aligned}" + symbolic + r"\end{aligned}$" if self._unknowns is None: ef_text = list() ef_text_space = list() for ef in self._efs: ef_text.append(ef._sym_repr) ef_text_space.append( ef_text_space = r"$\in\left(" + r'\times '.join(ef_text_space) + r"\right)$" ef_text = r'for $' + r', '.join(ef_text) + r'$' + ef_text_space + ',' else: ef_text_unknowns = list() ef_text_unknown_spaces = list() ef_text_others = list() ef_text_others_spaces = list() for ef in self._unknowns: ef_text_unknowns.append(ef._sym_repr) ef_text_unknown_spaces.append( for ef in self._efs: if ef in self._unknowns: pass else: ef_text_others.append(ef._sym_repr) ef_text_others_spaces.append( ef_text_unknown_spaces = r"$\in\left(" + r'\times '.join(ef_text_unknown_spaces) + r"\right)$" ef_text_others_spaces = r"$\in\left(" + r'\times '.join(ef_text_others_spaces) + r"\right)$" if len(ef_text_others) == 0: ef_text = (r'seek unknowns: $' + r', '.join(ef_text_unknowns) + r'$' + ef_text_unknown_spaces + ', such that') else: ef_text_others = r'for $' + r', '.join(ef_text_others) + r'$' + ef_text_others_spaces + ', ' ef_text_unknowns = (r'seek $' + r', '.join(ef_text_unknowns) + r'$' + ef_text_unknown_spaces + ', such that') ef_text = ef_text_others + "\n" + ef_text_unknowns ef_text = self._mesh.manifold._manifold_text() + ef_text if self._bc is None or len(self._bc._valid_bcs) == 0: bc_text = '' else: bc_text = self.bc._bc_text() fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.axis((0, 1, 0, 1)) plt.axis('off') text = ef_text + '\n' + symbolic + bc_text plt.text(0.05, 0.5, text, ha='left', va='center', size=15) if title is None: pass else: plt.title(title) from src.config import _setting, _pr_cache if _setting['pr_cache']: _pr_cache(fig, filename='pde_vc') else: plt.tight_layout()['block']) return fig
[docs] def pr(self, indexing=True, figsize=(8, 6), vc=False, title=None): """Print the representation of the PDE. Parameters ---------- indexing : bool, optional Whether to show indices of my terms. The default value is ``True``. figsize : Tuple[float, int], optional The figure size. It has no effect when the figure is over-sized. A tight configuration will be applied when it is the case. The default value is ``(8, 6)``. vc : bool, optional Whether to show the vector calculus version of me. The default value is ``False``. title : {None, str}, optional The title of the figure. No title if it is ``None``. The default value is ``None``. See Also -------- :func:`src.config.set_pr_cache` """ from src.config import RANK, MASTER_RANK if RANK != MASTER_RANK: return else: pass if vc is True: return self._pr_vc(figsize=figsize, title=title) else: pass number_equations = len(self._term_dict) indicator = '' if self._indi_dict is None: pass else: for i in self._indi_dict: for t, terms in enumerate(self._indi_dict[i]): if len(terms) == 0: indicator += '0' else: for j, term in enumerate(terms): term = r'\text{\texttt{' + term + '}}' if indexing: index = self._ind_dict[i][t][j].replace('-', r'\text{-}') term = r'\underbrace{' + term + r'}_{' + \ rf"{index}" + '}' else: pass sign = self._sign_dict[i][t][j] if j == 0: if sign == '+': indicator += term elif sign == '-': indicator += '-' + term else: raise Exception() else: indicator += ' ' + sign + ' ' + term if t == 0: indicator += ' &= ' if i < number_equations - 1: indicator += r' \\ ' else: pass symbolic = '' for i in self._term_dict: for t, forms in enumerate(self._term_dict[i]): if len(forms) == 0: symbolic += '0' else: for j, form in enumerate(forms): sign = self._sign_dict[i][t][j] form_sym_repr = form._sym_repr if indexing: index = self._ind_dict[i][t][j].replace('-', r'\text{-}') form_sym_repr = r'\underbrace{' + form_sym_repr + r'}_{' + \ rf"{index}" + '}' else: pass if j == 0: if sign == '+': symbolic += form_sym_repr elif sign == '-': symbolic += '-' + form_sym_repr else: raise Exception() else: symbolic += ' ' + sign + ' ' + form_sym_repr if t == 0: symbolic += ' &= ' if i < number_equations - 1: symbolic += r' \\ ' else: pass if indicator != '': if len(self) == 1: indicator = r"$\begin{aligned}" + indicator + r"\end{aligned}$" else: indicator = r"$\left\lbrace\begin{aligned}" + indicator + r"\end{aligned}\right.$" if len(self) > 1: symbolic = r"$\left\lbrace\begin{aligned}" + symbolic + r"\end{aligned}\right.$" else: symbolic = r"$\begin{aligned}" + symbolic + r"\end{aligned}$" if self._unknowns is None: ef_text = list() ef_text_space = list() for ef in self._efs: ef_text.append(ef._sym_repr) ef_text_space.append( ef_text_space = r"$\in\left(" + r'\times '.join(ef_text_space) + r"\right)$" ef_text = r'for $' + r', '.join(ef_text) + r'$' + ef_text_space + ',' else: ef_text_unknowns = list() ef_text_unknown_spaces = list() ef_text_others = list() ef_text_others_spaces = list() for ef in self._unknowns: ef_text_unknowns.append(ef._sym_repr) ef_text_unknown_spaces.append( for ef in self._efs: if ef in self._unknowns: pass else: ef_text_others.append(ef._sym_repr) ef_text_others_spaces.append( ef_text_unknown_spaces = r"$\in\left(" + r'\times '.join(ef_text_unknown_spaces) + r"\right)$" ef_text_others_spaces = r"$\in\left(" + r'\times '.join(ef_text_others_spaces) + r"\right)$" if len(ef_text_others) == 0: ef_text = (r'seek unknowns: $' + r', '.join(ef_text_unknowns) + r'$' + ef_text_unknown_spaces + ', such that') else: ef_text_others = r'for $' + r', '.join(ef_text_others) + r'$' + ef_text_others_spaces + ', ' ef_text_unknowns = (r'seek $' + r', '.join(ef_text_unknowns) + r'$' + ef_text_unknown_spaces + ', such that') ef_text = ef_text_others + '\n' + ef_text_unknowns ef_text = self._mesh.manifold._manifold_text() + ef_text if self._bc is None or len(self._bc._valid_bcs) == 0: bc_text = '' else: bc_text = self.bc._bc_text() fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.axis((0, 1, 0, 1)) plt.axis('off') if indicator == '': text = ef_text + '\n' + symbolic + bc_text else: text = indicator + '\n\n' + ef_text + '\n' + symbolic + bc_text plt.text(0.05, 0.5, text, ha='left', va='center', size=15) if title is None: pass else: plt.title(title) from src.config import _setting, _pr_cache if _setting['pr_cache']: _pr_cache(fig, filename='pde') else: plt.tight_layout()['block']) return fig
def __len__(self): """How many equations we have?""" return len(self._term_dict) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._indexing[index] def __iter__(self): """""" for i in self._ind_dict: for lri in self._ind_dict[i]: for index in lri: yield index @property def mesh(self): return self._mesh @property def elementary_forms(self): """Return a set of root forms that this equation involves.""" return self._efs @property def unknowns(self): """Unknowns of the PDE.""" return self._unknowns @unknowns.setter def unknowns(self, unknowns): """""" if self._unknowns is not None: f"unknowns exists; not allowed to change them." if len(self) == 1 and not isinstance(unknowns, (list, tuple)): unknowns = [unknowns, ] assert isinstance(unknowns, (list, tuple)), \ f"please put unknowns in a list or tuple if there are more than 1 equations." assert len(unknowns) == len(self), \ f"I have {len(self)} equations but receive {len(unknowns)} unknowns." for i, unknown in enumerate(unknowns): assert unknown.__class__ is Form and unknown.is_root(), \ f"{i}th variable is not a root form." assert unknown in self._efs, f"{i}th variable = {unknown} is not an elementary form ({self._efs})." self._unknowns = unknowns
[docs] def test_with(self, test_spaces, test_method='L2', sym_repr: list = None): """Test the PDE with a set of spaces to obtain a weak formulation. Parameters ---------- test_spaces : list The list of the test spaces. test_method : {``'L2'``, }, optional The test method. Currently, it can only be ``'L2'`` representing the :math:`L^2`-inner product. The default value is ``'L2'``. sym_repr : {List[str], None}, optional The symbolic representations for the test variables. When it is ``None``, pre-set ones will be applied. The default value is ``None``. Returns ------- wf : :class:`` The weak formulation instance. """ if not isinstance(test_spaces, (list, tuple)): test_spaces = [test_spaces, ] else: pass # parse test spaces from forms if forms provided. _test_spaces = list() from src.form.main import Form for i, obj in enumerate(test_spaces): if isinstance(obj, Form): _test_spaces.append( else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences assert obj._is_space(), f"test_spaces[{i}] is not a space." _test_spaces.append(obj) assert len(_test_spaces) == len(self), \ f"pde has {len(self)} equations, so I need {len(self)} test spaces." assert self.unknowns is not None, f"Set unknowns before testing the pde." # -- below, we parse the test functions ---------------------------------------------- test_spaces = _test_spaces tfs = list() for i, ts in enumerate(test_spaces): unknown = None # in case not found an unknown, will raise Error. for unknown in self.unknowns: unknown_space = if ts == unknown_space: break else: unknown = None if sym_repr is None: if unknown is None: # we do not find an unknown which is in the same space as the test form. sr = r"\underline{\tau}_" + str(i) else: assert unknown.is_root(), f"a trivial check." sr = unknown._sym_repr _base = sr.split('^')[0].split('_')[0] sr = sr.replace(_base, r'\underline{' + _base + '}') else: assert isinstance(sym_repr, (list, tuple)) and len(sym_repr) == len(test_spaces), \ f"We have {len(test_spaces)} test forms, so we need {len(test_spaces)} syb_repr. " \ f"Now we receive {len(sym_repr)}." sr = sym_repr[i] j = i form_lin_setting = _global_lin_repr_setting['form'] _test_lin_repr = form_lin_setting[0] + f'{j}' + _pde_test_form_lin_repr + form_lin_setting[1] while _test_lin_repr in _global_root_forms_lin_dict: j += 1 _test_lin_repr = form_lin_setting[0] + f'{j}' + _pde_test_form_lin_repr + form_lin_setting[1] tf = ts.make_form(sr, f'{j}' + _pde_test_form_lin_repr) tfs.append(tf) # -------- make weak form terms --------------------------------------------------------- term_dict = dict() for i in self._term_dict: # ith equation term_dict[i] = ([], []) for j, terms in enumerate(self._term_dict[i]): for k, term in enumerate(terms): if term.is_root(): # we test a root-form with the test-form! raw_weak_term = inner(term, tfs[i], method=test_method) else: multiply_lin = _global_operator_lin_repr_setting['multiply'] # check if we have multiplication in this pde term. if multiply_lin in term._lin_repr: if term._lin_repr.count(multiply_lin) == 1: front_form_lin_repr, the_end_form = term._lin_repr.split(multiply_lin) # below we check if we have: a scalar_parameter multiply a form scalar_parameter_lin = _global_lin_repr_setting['scalar_parameter'] scalar_parameter_front, scalar_parameter_end = scalar_parameter_lin len_scalar_parameter_front = len(scalar_parameter_front) if front_form_lin_repr[:len_scalar_parameter_front] == scalar_parameter_front: sep0, sep1 = _non_root_lin_sep if the_end_form[:len(sep0)] == sep0 and the_end_form[-len(sep1):] == sep1: # - the form is not a root form root_form_lin_repr = the_end_form[len(sep0):-len(sep1)] else: root_form_lin_repr = the_end_form from src.form.others import _find_form the_form = _find_form(root_form_lin_repr) sp_lin_repr = front_form_lin_repr from src.form.parameters import _find_root_scalar_parameter root_factor = _find_root_scalar_parameter(sp_lin_repr) if root_factor is None: # do not find a root factor. raise NotImplementedError() else: raw_weak_term = inner(the_form, tfs[i], factor=root_factor, method=test_method) else: raise NotImplementedError(front_form_lin_repr, the_end_form) else: raise NotImplementedError() else: raw_weak_term = inner(term, tfs[i], method=test_method) term_dict[i][j].append(raw_weak_term) # ------ make the weak formulation ---------------------------------------------------- wf = WeakFormulation(tfs, term_sign_dict=(term_dict, self._sign_dict)) wf.unknowns = self.unknowns wf._bc = self._bc # send the BC to the weak formulation. return wf
@property def bc(self): """The boundary condition of the PDE.""" if self._bc is None: self._bc = BoundaryCondition(self._mesh) return self._bc @property def derive(self): """A wrapper all possible derivations to the PDE.""" return self._derive
[docs] class PDEDerive(Frozen): """A wrapper all possible derivations to a PDE instance. .. todo:: To be implemented. So far, we recommend users to completely construct the PDE through initialization such that any further modification is avoided. """ def __init__(self, pde): """""" self._pde = pde self._freeze()