# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyRedeclaration
.. testsetup:: *
None_or_custom_path = './source/gallery/msepy_domains_and_meshes/msepy/crazy_multi.png'
import __init__ as ph
.. testcleanup::
The multi-crazy ones are like stacking multiple :ref:`GALLERY-msepy-domains-and-meshes=crazy`
(blocks) together. The parameters are same to those of the crazy
mesh except there is one additional, ``Ns``, see:
.. autofunction:: msepy.manifold.predefined.crazy_multi.crazy_multi
.. note::p
Multi-crazy domains and meshes, like the crazy ones, are also mainly used for testing purposes. As each block will
be treated as a region, with them, we can test our codes with meshes of multiple (orthogonal or curvilinear)
Boundary units
Since the amount of regions is dynamic, its amount of boundary units is dynamic as well.
They contain the boundary faces of these regions attached to the domain boundary. For example, when
there are :math:`2 * 3` regions/blocks, the complete set of boundary units is
>>> boundary_units_set = {
... 0: [1, 0, 1, 0],
... 1: [0, 1, 1, 0],
... 2: [1, 0, 0, 0],
... 3: [0, 1, 0, 0],
... 4: [1, 0, 0, 1],
... 5: [0, 1, 0, 1],
... }
We now generate a multi-crazy mesh in domain :math:`\Omega:=(x,y,z)\in[-1,1]\times[0,2]\subset\mathbb{R}^2` of
:math:`2 * 3` crazy regions/blocks at :math:`c=0.3`. In each crazy block, we make :math:`5 * 3` elements. The codes are
>>> ph.config.set_embedding_space_dim(2)
>>> manifold = ph.manifold(2)
>>> mesh = ph.mesh(manifold)
>>> msepy, obj = ph.fem.apply('msepy', locals())
>>> manifold = obj['manifold']
>>> mesh = obj['mesh']
>>> msepy.config(manifold)('crazy_multi', c=0.3, periodic=False, Ns=[2, 3], bounds=[[-1, 1], [0, 2]])
>>> msepy.config(mesh)([5, 3])
>>> mesh.visualize(saveto=None_or_custom_path) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<Figure size ...
The multi-crazy mesh is visualized as
.. figure:: crazy_multi.png
:width: 50%
The crazy mesh in :math:`\Omega=[-1,1]\times[0,2]\subset\mathbb{R}^2` of :math:`2 * 3` blocks
at deformation factor :math:`c=0.3`. In each block, we have :math:`5 * 3` elements.
↩️ Back to :ref:`GALLERY-msepy-domains-and-meshes`.
import numpy as np
from tools.frozen import Frozen
from msepy.manifold.predefined.crazy import _MesPyRegionCrazyMapping
def crazy_multi(bounds=None, c=0, Ns=None, periodic=False):
bounds : list, tuple, ``None``, default=None
The bounds of the domain along each axis. When it is ``None``, the code will automatically analyze the
manifold and set the ``bounds`` to be :math:`[0,1]^n` where :math:`n` is the dimensions of the space.
For example, the unit cube is of ``bounds = ([0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1])``.
c : float, default=0.
The deformation factor. ``c`` must be in :math:`[0, 0.3]`. When ``c = 0``, the domain is orthogonal, and
when ``c > 0``, the space in the domain is distorted.
Ns : list, None, default=None
``Ns`` should be a list of :math:`n` (the dimensions of the manifold) positive integers. It means along
each axis, we will stack how many crazy meshes.
When it is ``None``, the code will automatically analyze the manifold and then set ``Ns`` to be
:math:`[\underbrace{2, 2, \cdots}_{n}]`.
periodic : bool, default=False
It indicates whether the domain is periodic. When it is ``True``, the domain is fully periodic along all
axes. And when it is ``False``, the domain is not periodic at all.
raise Exception(bounds, c, Ns, periodic)
def _crazy_multi(mf, bounds=None, c=0, Ns=None, periodic=False):
assert mf.m == mf.ndim, f"crazy mesh only works for manifold.ndim == embedding space dimensions."
m = mf.m
if bounds is None:
bounds = [(0, 1) for _ in range(m)]
assert len(bounds) == m, f"bounds={bounds} dimensions wrong."
region_mappings = _MesPyRegionCrazyMultiMapping(bounds, c, m, Ns=Ns)
Ns = region_mappings._Ns
num_regions = np.prod(Ns)
region_map_nd = np.arange(num_regions).reshape(Ns, order='F')
region_map = dict()
if m == 1:
if periodic:
N = Ns[0]
for n in range(N):
left, right = n-1, n+1
if left < 0:
left = region_map_nd[-1]
left = region_map_nd[left]
if right >= N:
right = region_map_nd[0]
right = region_map_nd[right]
region_map[n] = [left, right]
N = Ns[0]
for n in range(N):
left, right = n-1, n+1
if left < 0:
left = None
left = region_map_nd[left]
if right >= N:
right = None
right = region_map_nd[right]
region_map[n] = [left, right]
elif m == 2:
if periodic:
Nx, Ny = Ns
for ny in range(Ny):
for nx in range(Nx):
n = nx + ny * Nx
x_m, x_p = nx-1, nx+1
y_m, y_p = ny-1, ny+1
if x_m < 0:
x_m = region_map_nd[-1, ny]
x_m = region_map_nd[x_m, ny]
if x_p >= Nx:
x_p = region_map_nd[0, ny]
x_p = region_map_nd[x_p, ny]
if y_m < 0:
y_m = region_map_nd[nx, -1]
y_m = region_map_nd[nx, y_m]
if y_p >= Ny:
y_p = region_map_nd[nx, 0]
y_p = region_map_nd[nx, y_p]
region_map[n] = [x_m, x_p, y_m, y_p]
Nx, Ny = Ns
for ny in range(Ny):
for nx in range(Nx):
n = nx + ny * Nx
x_m, x_p = nx-1, nx+1
y_m, y_p = ny-1, ny+1
if x_m < 0:
x_m = None
x_m = region_map_nd[x_m, ny]
if x_p >= Nx:
x_p = None
x_p = region_map_nd[x_p, ny]
if y_m < 0:
y_m = None
y_m = region_map_nd[nx, y_m]
if y_p >= Ny:
y_p = None
y_p = region_map_nd[nx, y_p]
region_map[n] = [x_m, x_p, y_m, y_p]
elif m == 3:
if periodic:
Nx, Ny, Nz = Ns
for nz in range(Nz):
for ny in range(Ny):
for nx in range(Nx):
n = nx + ny * Nx + nz * Nx * Ny
x_m, x_p = nx-1, nx+1
y_m, y_p = ny-1, ny+1
z_m, z_p = nz-1, nz+1
if x_m < 0:
x_m = region_map_nd[-1, ny, nz]
x_m = region_map_nd[x_m, ny, nz]
if x_p >= Nx:
x_p = region_map_nd[0, ny, nz]
x_p = region_map_nd[x_p, ny, nz]
if y_m < 0:
y_m = region_map_nd[nx, -1, nz]
y_m = region_map_nd[nx, y_m, nz]
if y_p >= Ny:
y_p = region_map_nd[nx, 0, nz]
y_p = region_map_nd[nx, y_p, nz]
if z_m < 0:
z_m = region_map_nd[nx, ny, -1]
z_m = region_map_nd[nx, ny, z_m]
if z_p >= Nz:
z_p = region_map_nd[nx, ny, 0]
z_p = region_map_nd[nx, ny, z_p]
region_map[n] = [x_m, x_p, y_m, y_p, z_m, z_p]
Nx, Ny, Nz = Ns
for nz in range(Nz):
for ny in range(Ny):
for nx in range(Nx):
n = nx + ny * Nx + nz * Nx * Ny
x_m, x_p = nx-1, nx+1
y_m, y_p = ny-1, ny+1
z_m, z_p = nz-1, nz+1
if x_m < 0:
x_m = None
x_m = region_map_nd[x_m, ny, nz]
if x_p >= Nx:
x_p = None
x_p = region_map_nd[x_p, ny, nz]
if y_m < 0:
y_m = None
y_m = region_map_nd[nx, y_m, nz]
if y_p >= Ny:
y_p = None
y_p = region_map_nd[nx, y_p, nz]
if z_m < 0:
z_m = None
z_m = region_map_nd[nx, ny, z_m]
if z_p >= Nz:
z_p = None
z_p = region_map_nd[nx, ny, z_p]
region_map[n] = [x_m, x_p, y_m, y_p, z_m, z_p]
raise NotImplementedError()
mapping_dict = dict()
Jacobian_matrix_dict = dict()
mtype_dict = dict()
for r in range(num_regions):
mapping_dict[r] = region_mappings._regions[r].mapping
Jacobian_matrix_dict[r] = region_mappings._regions[r].Jacobian_matrix
if c == 0:
mtype = {'indicator': 'Linear', 'parameters': []}
for i, lb_ub in enumerate(region_mappings._regions[r]._bounds):
xyz = 'xyz'[i]
lb, ub = lb_ub
d = str(round(ub - lb, 5)) # do this to round off the truncation error.
mtype['parameters'].append(xyz + d)
mtype = None # this is a unique region. Its metric does not like any other.
mtype_dict[r] = mtype
return region_map, mapping_dict, Jacobian_matrix_dict, mtype_dict, None
class _MesPyRegionCrazyMultiMapping(Frozen):
def __init__(self, bounds, c, m, Ns=None):
Ns :
The domain is divided into np.prod(Ns) regions equally.
for i, bs in enumerate(bounds):
assert len(bs) == 2 and all([isinstance(_, (int, float)) for _ in bs]), f"bounds[{i}]={bs} is illegal."
lb, up = bs
assert lb < up, f"bounds[{i}]={bs} is illegal. low bound is larger than (or equal to) higher bound."
assert isinstance(c, (int, float)), f"={c} is illegal, need to be a int or float. Ideally in [0, 0.3]."
if Ns is None:
Ns = 2
if isinstance(Ns, int):
Ns = [Ns for _ in range(m)]
assert len(Ns) == m and all([isinstance(ns, int) for ns in Ns]) and all([ns > 0 for ns in Ns]), \
f"Ns={Ns} is wrong."
num_regions = np.prod(Ns)
axis_indices = [np.arange(Ns[_]) for _ in range(m)]
axis_indices = np.meshgrid(*axis_indices, indexing='ij')
axis_indices = [ai.ravel('F') for ai in axis_indices]
regions = dict()
self._indices = dict()
for i in range(num_regions):
indices = [ai[i] for ai in axis_indices]
self._indices[i] = indices
region_bounds = list()
for j in range(m):
bds = bounds[j]
lb, up = bds
N = Ns[j]
delta = (up - lb) / N
region_bounds.append([lb + delta * indices[j], lb + delta * (indices[j]+1)])
regions[i] = _MesPyRegionCrazyMapping(region_bounds, c, m)
self._regions = regions
self._Ns = Ns